Truth Questions
- What’s your biggest fear?
- What’s your biggest fantasy?
- What’s your biggest regret?
- What’s your biggest secret?
- What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
- What’s your biggest insecurity?
- What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
- What’s something you’ve never told anyone?
- What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
- Who’s the last person you lied to?
- What’s your deepest, darkest secret?
- What’s the most embarrassing search history on your phone or computer?
- What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
- What’s the craziest place you’ve masturbated or had sex?
- What’s your most humiliating moment?
- If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
- Whats the biggest lie you ever told your parents?
- Whats the most illegal thing you’ve done?
- Whats one thing you wish you could change about your life?
- If you could relive one day in your life, what would it be?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s something you’ve done that you’d judge others for doing?
- What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said about a friend?
- What’s something you believed as a child that you now know to be untrue?
- What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told?
- What’s something you’ve done that you’d be embarrassed for your family to find out about?
- What’s the most inappropriate place you’ve been physically intimate with someone?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done when you were drunk?
- Have you ever farted loudly in class?
- Have you ever walked into a wall? Tell us about it.
- Who was your first crush?
- Have you ever practiced kissing on a mirror?
- Have you ever stalked someone on social media?
- Who do you currently have a crush on?
Dare Questions
- Sing the chorus of your least favorite song
- Do 10 push ups
- Text the last person in your messages and say “I miss you”
- Let someone else style your hair
- Eat a spoonful of something spicy
- Go outside and yell “I love (your least favorite food)”
- Do an impression of someone in the room
- Let someone else post a status update on your social media
- Eat a raw piece of garlic
- Do 20 jumping jacks
- Kiss someone else playing the game
- Go outside and yell your deepest secret
- Strip down to your underwear until your next turn
- Empty out your wallet/purse and show everyone what’s inside
- Let someone else send a text to your crush pretending to be you
- Eat a tablespoon of hot sauce
- Kiss the person to your right for 10 seconds
- Hug the person to your right for 10 seconds
- Compliment everyone in the room
- Tell the group something you’re proud of about yourself
- Do your best dance move
- Sing your favorite song
- Tell someone in the group why you appreciate their friendship
- Show off your hidden talent
- Share your most embarrasing childhood memory
- Try to lick your elbow
- Tell the saddest story you know
- Go outside and yell something embarrassing.
- Let someone else post something embarrassing on your social media.
- Reveal your browser history.
- Let someone else go through your text messages.
- Eat something off the floor.
- Run down the street in your underwear.
- Kiss the person to your left.
- Give a lap dance to someone in the room.
- Remove an article of clothing.
- Show everyone your orgasm face.
- Let someone else apply makeup on you blindfolded
- Eat a spoonful of mustard
Embarrassing Truth Questions
- Whose the last person you texted?
- Whose your secret crush?
- Whats the most embarassing thing your parents caught you doing?
- Have you ever walked in on someone naked?
- Have you ever peed in the pool?
- Whats the weirdest dream you’ve had?
- Have you ever pooped your pants?
- Whats your guilty pleasure song?
- Whats the worst thing you’ve ever tasted?
- Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
- Whats your most embarrasing moment?
Funny Truth Questions
- Whats the craziest thing you’ve done on a dare?
- Whats your best pickup line?
- Have you ever tried to take a sexy picture of yourself?
- Who do you think is the worst dressed person here?
- Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants?
- Whats the silliest thing you’ve argued about?
- Who’s the most annoying person you know?
- Whats the weirdest food combo you’ve tried?
- Whats the most childish thing you still do?
Funny Dare Questions
- Let someone draw on your face
- Act like an animal for the next round
- Let the group go through your phone for 1 minute
- Eat a spoonful of something gross
- Do your best sexy crawl
- Pretend to be the person to your right for the rest of the game
- Give someone a lap dance
- Let the group dress you up in random clothes
- Dance without music for 30 seconds
Embarrassing Dare Questions
- Show the most embarassing photo on your phone
- Show your last 5 search history
- Text your crush “I need some advice, how do I look more attractive?”
- Post a status saying “I still sleep with a teddy bear”
- Go outside and scream “I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!”
- Give a foot massage to the person on your left
- Let someone tickle you for 30 seconds
- Go up to the first person you see and say “You look gorgeous today”
- Pretend to be a dog until your next turn
- Lick someone’s toe
Physical Dares
- Do 20 squats
- Spin around 10 times then try to walk a straight line
- Stand on one leg for 30 seconds
Embarrassing Dares
- Call your crush right now
- Text someone “I’ve liked you for so long”
- Post an embarrassing childhood photo on social media
- Sing loudly out the window

I am a free-spirited author with the focus of relationships, travel, mental health, and womanhood. I am still new to the writer scene but am excited for the journey that awaits.