Dreaming about a previous partner can be a deeply felt and complex experience.
While some may view it as just a reflection of their past relationship, others believe there to be deeper spiritual significance behind these dreams. Indeed, several studies have explored the possible significance of dreaming about an ex and what it might reveal about one’s subconscious and emotional state.
According to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, dreaming about an ex-partner may be indicative of issues that are not resolved or emotional attachments. Participants who reported dreaming more frequently also experienced higher levels of emotional attachment as well as difficulty letting go of the past (Linden et al., 2010). A separate study published by Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that dreams about former partners might also be telling us something about our current relationships; those who reported dreams about their exes reported lower levels of emotional intimacy with their current partners (Selterman et al., 2012).
Dreaming of a previous partner may have many interpretations, but some experts believe it could be a subconscious attempt to process emotions or work through past traumas. “Dreams may be symbolic for the subconscious mind to heal and reconcile past relationships,” according to gifted advisor and psychic medium Lisa Barretta (HuffPost, 2020).
If you keep dreaming about your prior partner, it can offer valuable insight into your mental and emotional state. If you find yourself frequently dreaming about them and are having difficulty deciphering their meaning, consulting with a mental health professional or psychic advisor could be beneficial in deciphering the dreams and providing tailored advice tailored specifically for your situation.
- 1 The Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex
- 2 1) You are still in love with your ex
- 3 2) Your subconscious is processing unresolved emotions from the past relationship
- 4 3) You are feeling nostalgic or sentimental about the past
- 5 4) You are comparing your present relationship to the past one
- 6 5) You are feeling lonely and longing for companionship
- 7 6) Your ex symbolizes a part of yourself that you have lost or miss
- 8 7) You are looking for closure or forgiveness from your ex
- 9 8) You are seeking validation or approval from your ex
- 10 9) Your ex represents a sense of familiarity or comfort that you are missing in your life
- 11 10) You are processing the pain or hurt caused by the previous relationship
- 12 11) You are feeling anxious about the future and uncertain about your current path
- 13 12) Dreaming about your ex represents a symbol of a lost opportunity or missed chance in your life
- 14 13) You are exploring past traumas or unresolved issues through the lens of your past relationship with your ex
- 15 14) You are feeling trapped or stuck in your current situation and longing for a sense of freedom or escape
- 16 15) Your ex represents a sense of stability or security that you are missing in your life
- 17 16) You are feeling conflicted or torn between your past and present relationships
The Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex
As far as the meaning in a spiritual context there are several possible meanings, and will explore each one below:
1) You are still in love with your ex
Dreaming of an ex-partner can be a complex experience, and there may be various reasons why you may be having these dreams. One possibility is that you might have feelings for them and are not fully over the breakup. Alternatively, it could simply be that you’re processing all of the emotions associated with both the relationship and its eventual dissolution.
Dreaming of an ex can be seen spiritually as a sign that you need to pay more attention to your emotional and spiritual well-being. Your subconscious could be telling you something through these dreams; by deciphering their meaning, we can gain insight into what the unconscious mind is trying to communicate.
Having dreams about your previous partner can be distressing, so it might be beneficial to speak with a therapist or spiritual advisor for tailored advice tailored specifically for your situation. They can interpret dreams and provide insight on how best to process your feelings towards them.
It’s essential to note that dreaming of an ex isn’t a guarantee that you will reconcile or reunite or that you still love them. It could simply represent another time or place in your life, or the emotional intimacy shared between both of you.
2) Your subconscious is processing unresolved emotions from the past relationship
Dreaming about a previous partner can be a complex experience, and there may be various reasons why you may be having these dreams. One possibility is that you might have feelings for them and are not fully over the breakup. Alternatively, it could simply be that you’re processing all of the emotions associated with both the relationship and its eventual dissolution.
Dreaming of an ex can be seen spiritually as a sign that you need to pay more attention to your emotional and spiritual well-being. Your subconscious could be trying to tell you something through these dreams; by deciphering their meaning, we can gain insight into what the unconscious mind is trying to communicate.
Having dreams about your former partner can be distressing, so it might be beneficial to speak with a therapist or spiritual advisor for tailored advice tailored specifically for your situation. They can interpret dreams and provide insight on how best to process your feelings towards them.
It’s essential to note that dreaming of an ex doesn’t guarantee you want to reconcile or reunite or that you still love them. It could simply represent another time or place in your life, or the emotional intimacy shared between both of you.
3) You are feeling nostalgic or sentimental about the past
Feeling nostalgic or sentimental about the past can be a common reason you may be dreaming about your prior partner. Your subconscious may be revisiting memories of that former relationship and yearning for that emotional intimacy you shared with them. Sometimes these feelings can be triggered by certain events in life like meeting a couple who reminds you of yourself and your ex, starting a new job, or moving to a different city.
Having dreams about your prior partner may be a subconscious attempt to process unresolved emotions or conflicts from the previous relationship. Perhaps there were events in the relationship that weren’t fully addressed or you never fully accepted its end. Dreaming about them could indicate you still have feelings for them and wish to reconnect, though this isn’t always the case.
No matter the case, it’s essential to interpret your dreams in light of your current life situation. Dreaming of an ex could indicate that you’re feeling uncertain or conflicted about this person; on the other hand, if everything feels fine in your current relationship, dreaming about your former flame could simply be part of processing old emotions.
4) You are comparing your present relationship to the past one
Feeling nostalgic or sentimental about the past can be one of the primary reasons you may experience dreams about a prior partner. Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool that processes memories, experiences, and emotions; when you experience feelings such as these it is likely that your subconscious will bring up memories of your former lover.
Dreams can signify many different things depending on your experiences and emotions. Just because you dream about your previous partner doesn’t guarantee that you still have feelings for them or that you’re dreaming about getting back together, but it could simply be a way for your subconscious to process and make sense of the emotional intimacy shared with them, particularly if it was an important part of your past.
Having dreams about your prior partner could be indicative of whether or not you’re still not over them, or it could simply be that you’re trying to compare yourself with their current partner. Your subconscious could be trying to tell you something about how you feel about them or future relationships; alternatively, it could simply be a psychic connection and the universe sending you a message.
5) You are feeling lonely and longing for companionship
Feeling lonely and yearning for companionship can lead to dreams about your previous partner in various ways. One possibility is that they represent a time in your life when you felt loved and supported, so the subconscious is using that image to fulfill the current need for companionship. Alternatively, it could be that you have unresolved feelings towards them which are serving as substitutes for genuine connection. Either way, dreaming of an ex could be indicative of when it’s time to move on and seek new relationships.
It’s essential to note that simply because you’re dreaming about your prior partner doesn’t necessarily mean you should act on those feelings. Talking with a therapist or counselor can help interpret the meaning behind your dreams and help decipher any emotional turmoil they may be triggering. Your dreams could have spiritual significance or simply be signs from your subconscious trying to process things.
Dreams can be used as a tool to make positive changes in your life. If you’re feeling lonely, seeking out new relationships or connecting with others could be beneficial.
6) Your ex symbolizes a part of yourself that you have lost or miss
Dreaming of an ex can be a reminder of something in yourself that has been lost or missed. Perhaps they represent happier, carefree times in your life when you felt more secure, in love, or newly engaged – dreaming about them could be the subconscious attempt to recapture those positive emotions.
It could also be that your ex represents a part of yourself that you feel you have lost or given up. For instance, if they were an artist and you used to create art together, dreaming about them could indicate a desire for a creative outlet. Conversely, if they were very outgoing and social in person, dreaming about them may indicate an absence in one’s own social skillset.
In some cases, your ex could represent an aspect of yourself that needs reconnecting in order to feel more whole or complete. For instance, if they were very adventurous and you have been feeling stuck lately in a rut, dreaming about them could be a sign that more adventure needs to be injected into your life.
Overall, when you dream about your previous partner, it’s essential to interpret their meaning within the context of your own life and experiences. Your ex could represent something unique to you that may not apply to others; if this is happening frequently and you want more insight into its significance, consulting a therapist or dream interpreter might be beneficial.
7) You are looking for closure or forgiveness from your ex
When you dream about your ex, it might mean you’re looking to end things on a settled note or want their forgiveness. Your dreams could be sorting through leftover feelings if something was left unsaid or unresolved with that person. Maybe you feel guilty or have some regrets, and dreaming is your mind’s way of trying to wrap up those loose ends.
You might also dream about an old flame when you’re ready to finally close that chapter and make peace with the past. These dreams indicate you’re gearing up to deal with those emotions head-on so you can get back on track, feeling hopeful about the future.
But remember, just ’cause you’re working things out in your dreams doesn’t mean you have to hit them up in real life. Chatting with a counselor or a good pal can help you sort through these issues without stirring up any drama.
Paying attention to what your dreams are telling you, along with how you’re feeling deep down, is key to understanding what they really mean,
8) You are seeking validation or approval from your ex
Having dreams about your prior partner may be indicative of a need for validation or approval from them. This could indicate that you are still carrying around feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem and hoping your ex can provide the comforting words to lift you out of these low places. Your ex could represent someone important in your life who you admire, so by seeking their approval you may feel good about yourself overall.
It’s essential to recognize that seeking validation from an ex may not be healthy, especially if the relationship ended on bad terms. Your ex may not be the most trustworthy source of validation, so focus on improving yourself and finding validation within yourself.
Having dreams about your prior partner may signify a need for validation or acceptance. But the specifics of the dream can also offer insight into what you are feeling or going through; if they hugging you, it could signify comfort and affection; on the other hand, dreams about them rejecting you may symbolize feelings of insecurity or fear of rejection.
9) Your ex represents a sense of familiarity or comfort that you are missing in your life
An ex can be indicative of the longing for familiarity and comfort they provided in your life. Even though the relationship may have ended, the positive feelings and experiences shared with them still remain, and sometimes this feeling of missing them manifests itself through dreams, with your ex appearing as a symbol for these positive sentiments.
Your subconscious may be trying to bring back the happy memories and experiences from your prior partner. This could especially be true if you are going through a challenging period in life or feeling uncertain about the future. Your ex could appear in dreams as comfort and security during such trying times.
However, it’s essential to remember that seeing an ex doesn’t always indicate you want to get back together with them. Instead, it may simply signify that you are missing the positive aspects of the relationship and are searching for familiarity and comfort elsewhere in life.
Dreaming frequently about your previous partner can be a sign that something is amiss in your life. A therapist can offer tailored advice tailored specifically for your situation and interpret the significance of your dreams. By comprehending the emotions and motivations behind them, you may be able to decipher what your subconscious wants you to know and take steps toward improving things for yourself.
10) You are processing the pain or hurt caused by the previous relationship
Having dreams about your prior partner may be indicative of how your subconscious is working through the emotions caused by a previous relationship. When going through a breakup, it’s natural to experience various emotions such as anger, sadness and regret; dreams serve as an outlet for these feelings and help heal the past.
Dreams of your ex could happen because they remain connected to the pain and hurt from years past, bringing up unresolved issues or feelings you may not be aware of, such as guilt or anger. Processing these emotions in dreams could help free you from them in real life.
11) You are feeling anxious about the future and uncertain about your current path
Having dreams about your prior partner may be indicative of how uncertain you feel about the future, and this uncertainty can also cause anxiety. When faced with uncertainty, our minds often turn towards familiar situations or people for comfort; this could explain why you keep dreaming about them even though there may no longer be any feelings towards them.
Dreams about your prior partner may also be indicative of fear, such as being hurt or feeling alone. Being single and having to start over can be daunting and anxiety-inducing, so dreaming about them may provide comfort or relief from these anxieties.
If you are feeling anxious or uncertain about your future, talking to a therapist or finding support from loved ones may be beneficial. They can assist in working through feelings and creating an action plan for moving forward in a positive and fulfilling manner. Furthermore, try exploring techniques for managing anxiety like mindfulness, deep breathing exercises or other relaxation methods; by managing this aspect of yourself better you may notice less frequent dreams about your ex becoming intense or distant over time.
12) Dreaming about your ex represents a symbol of a lost opportunity or missed chance in your life
It could represent a missed chance or lost opportunity in your life and may be indicative of how your subconscious is trying to process your feelings of regret and nostalgia. Seeing them again in your dreams brings up memories and emotions you may not have fully addressed or resolved at the time.
Your ex could represent a time in your life when you felt fulfilled and hopeful; dreaming about them could be subconsciously trying to recreate those emotions. It could be that you missed an opportunity with them and now experience regret or wonder “what if?”
13) You are exploring past traumas or unresolved issues through the lens of your past relationship with your ex
Exploring past traumas or issues that are not resolved through the lens of your previous relationship with your ex can lead to dreams about them. Dreams have the unique ability to tap into our subconscious, often revealing emotions, thoughts, and experiences we may not be aware of on a conscious level.
If you have issues that are not resolved from your previous relationship with your ex, such as trauma or feelings that remain unresolved, dreams can be used by your subconscious to help process these matters. For instance, if they emotionally hurt you in some way, dreams could serve to work through those emotions and provide closure.
Additionally, if there are issues that are not resolved in your life related to your previous relationships with your ex, such as trust issues, abandonment issues, or low self-esteem, your subconscious could use dreams to help address them. Your ex could appear in your dreams as a symbol for these problems and provide an opportunity for exploration and resolution.
14) You are feeling trapped or stuck in your current situation and longing for a sense of freedom or escape
Having dreams about your prior partner can be indicative of feeling trapped or stuck in your current circumstances and yearning for a sense of liberation or escape. Your ex could represent a time in your life when you felt more free and contented, thus serving as a symbol to express how much you desire liberation from these current difficulties.
Having dreams about your previous partner can be especially common during times of difficulty, such as a difficult breakup or job loss. Dreaming about them may provide temporary comfort or relief by escaping from your current circumstance and revisiting happier memories from your past.
15) Your ex represents a sense of stability or security that you are missing in your life
Dreaming of an ex can often be caused by a longing for the stability and security you once shared with them. This feeling may be particularly strong during times of uncertainty or instability in your life; your subconscious could be trying to remind you of this comfort and safety through symbolic representation through your previous partner.
Are you going through a tough period in your career or recently moved to an unfamiliar city without many friends? In such instances, it’s natural to long for familiarity and stability. Dreaming of an ex can be one such way your subconscious is signaling that it’s time to find security and comfort in current circumstances.
Of course, it’s also possible that your ex simply symbolized these feelings of stability and security to you in the past, leading to a revisiting of those memories in your subconscious.
16) You are feeling conflicted or torn between your past and present relationships
Dreaming about an ex when you’re feeling conflicted or torn between past and present relationships is quite common. It’s a reflection of the emotional turmoil you may be going through as you try to sort through your emotions and decide what type of relationship works for you in the present.
Your ex could represent a simpler time in your life when things were simpler, more comfortable, and more familiar. While you may miss that sense of security and connection that existed with them, remember that things ended for a reason, and try not to repeat the same mistakes.
On the other hand, your current partner represents both your present and future. You may be content in your relationship, but at times you may feel something is missing. You might not know where things are headed with them in the long run, or it could be that there are conflicts between past and present relationships that need to be reconciled.
Dreams about your ex may take on many forms, representing different emotions, desires, and fears. For instance, you may dream of them getting married which could symbolize being replaced or left behind; conversely, you might dream of reconciling with them which could represent a desire for closure or unresolved feelings.
Dreams are ultimately a reflection of your subconscious attempting to make sense of conflicting emotions. To gain insight into what drives these dreams and process the emotions they elicit, pay attention to both the desires and fears they elicit. Doing this can help you make informed decisions about relationships while finding clarity and peace of mind at the moment.
- Linden, M., et al. (2010). The ex-appears: Motivations for including ex-partners in one’s dating pool. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(2), 119-125.
- Selterman, D., et al. (2012). The dreamer’s curse: The impact of dreaming of an ex on interpersonal relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(4), 625-641.
- HuffPost. (2020). What does it mean when you dream about your ex? Experts weigh in. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-your-ex-experts-weigh-in_n_5e2b7d16c5b6d6767fd51b3c
I’m Kary Walters, a couples mediator, life coach, and writer with a passion for helping couples stay together and achieve their relationship goals. With over a decade of experience, I specialize in self-improvement and have worked with individuals & couples facing challenges.