Proven Love Letters For Your Boyfriend or Husband That Make Him Cry

Love letters are an ageless and powerful way to convey your feelings to someone special. Whether you’re just starting in a relationship or have been together for years, sending them a heartfelt letter will touch their soul in ways nothing else can. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the art of crafting love letters for him that will make him cry.

From finding the right words to putting your feelings on paper, we’ll offer tips and examples to help you craft a letter that will leave your special someone feeling cherished so if you’re ready to pour out your heart into creating something timeless that they will treasure forever, read on for our guide on writing love letters that will make him cry.

10 Proven Love Letters For Your Husband or Boyfriend That Will Make Him Cry

1) My Dearest Love

My Dear [Insert Name],
As I sit down to write this love letter to you, I am overcome with emotion. You make me feel like I’m living in a fairytale – where falling in love and spending our lives together are both possible and magical. Please know that my affection for you will never fade, and every single morning when I wake up, the last thing on my mind before heading off to work is thinking about you.

Your touch sends chills down my spine, and your kisses make my heart skip a beat – it truly is indescribable. You are the most handsome man I’ve ever met, and every day spent with you is the highlight of my day. Thank you for making me feel so special every single day.

Your presence in my life has forever altered everything. You taught me the meaning of real love, and I have never felt so loved and cared for by someone like you. Even during difficult times, knowing that you are mine gives me strength when I feel like giving up on myself. You give me a reason to wake up each morning with joy and the drive to get up again when I stumble. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of my journey; without your encouragement and support, it would have been much more complex.

I miss your hugs and cuddles when the distance seems meaningless, but I promise to always stay by your side no matter what comes our way. You are the light of my life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with you. Let me express how much I adore you so that you never doubt my devotion; I would do anything to make your dreams come true and bring happiness into your life.

You are more than just my soulmate; you are also my best friend. I am eternally thankful for every day we share and the gift that life has given me with your presence. Although it can be hard to picture a love story that never ends, with you by my side, I know we’ll make it work – until the very end, grow old together, and never tire of each other’s company. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being in my life.

I’m writing this love letter to tell you that my heart will always belong to you. You make me complete, and I can’t imagine living without you. My affection for you has never wavered, and I promise to give you everything I have. You are my beautiful soulmate, and words cannot express how much I cherish you.

With all my heart,
[Insert Your Name]

2) Hope This Finds You Well

Dear [Insert Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. For some time now, I’ve wanted to tell you how much I adore you, and writing a love letter seemed like the ideal way to convey it. Know that you mean the world to me and fill my heart with such joy whenever I think of you.

From the day you entered my life, everything changed for the better. You taught me to love unconditionally, and from that moment forward, I knew I wanted to spend every moment of my life with you. I am deeply in love with you and will never quit loving you, no matter what comes our way.

Your presence in my life makes me genuinely complete, and I am grateful to have you as part of my day. Holding your hand is the happiest part of every day, and I never want to let go. Let us spend every moment together loving each other until our days end.

Even during my most challenging moments, you never fail to make me fall in love with you all over again. I am eternally grateful for everything that you’ve done for me, and I can’t thank you enough for bringing it into my life. You indeed are the most incredible man I’ve ever known, and I feel so lucky to call you mine.

I miss you so much when we’re apart, but I know that we’ll be together soon. I can’t wait to see you and show you how much I adore you to the moon and back. You will always have my unconditional love, and I promise never to leave your side through thick or thin.

I am writing this letter to let you know that my love for you will never fade. I cannot wait to spend all of my life with you, and I want you to know how much I cherish you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of my life journey- whether it be joy or sorrow – together.

Sending you all my love, hugs, and kisses.

Enter Your Name Here

3) Never Stop Loving You

My dear [Insert Name],
I’m writing you this romantic love letter to express how much I adore you. It is hard for me to express how deeply I feel for you, but I will do my best to convey my emotions in words.

Each morning when I wake up, the last thing on my mind is you; and when I go to sleep at night, you remain the last thing on my mind. How wonderful it is to spend each moment of each day with you, holding hands and gazing into those beautiful eyes – their warmth and kindness honestly fill me with gratitude. Every moment we spend with each other makes me so contented.

From the start of our relationship, you brought so much beauty into my life and transformed it in so many ways. Your kind soul never ceases to make me smile and restore my faith in love again – I can’t imagine living without you now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you’ve done for me over these past eighteen months.

No matter what life throws at me, you have always been there for me, and I want to spend all of our days together. Spending my days making you happy makes me so blessed to have you as my partner; indeed, the best man I’ve ever known. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the man that completes me – everything matters to me now and forevermore.

When I think back on all the times we’ve shared, it makes my heart race. You always make me feel whole, and I never want to leave your side. Even during difficult times, you always manage to bring a smile to my face and never leave me alone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you’ve done for me, and know that you will always remain the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your presence in my life was meant to be, and I am eternally thankful that it did.

I am writing this love letter to tell you how deeply I adore you. Your love has brought me such joy, and I promise never to stop loving or leaving you. You indeed are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I know we will remain together until the end of time.

Sending you all my love,
[Insert Your Name]

4) Through Thick & Thin

My dear [Partner’s Name], you make me so very happy.

As I sit here to write this letter to you, my heart is filled with love and appreciation for you. You have been the light in my life, always there when things got tough. Words cannot express how much I appreciate you, how important you are to me, or how much time we spend together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of my family and life’s journey.

From the start of our relationship, you were like a breath of fresh air; I knew instantly that you were the person I had been waiting for. Even when distance seemed like an insurmountable obstacle between us, you never gave up on us. Your support gave me the strength to get up and face every obstacle with a smile on my face. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my rock in times like these!

Each morning when I wake up, the last thought that crosses my mind before bedtime is you. Your happiness and fulfillment make me the happiest man alive, and I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my angel and for inspiring me to pursue what truly brings joy into others’ lives.

I want to express how much you mean to me and that I adore you beyond words. Every moment we share is the happiest part of my day, and I feel fortunate that we get to share this life. You will always remain the love of my life, and I hope that you know this.

With all my heart,
[Your Name]

5) You Complete Me

My Dear [Name],
I am writing to tell you how much I adore you. Each morning when I wake up, the last thought on my mind before sleeping is of you; you have become such an integral part of my life that it would be impossible for me to imagine living without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of mine.

When I am with you, I feel like a new person. Your kindness and compassion for me are truly inspirational; even during challenging times, I know we will make it through together as long as we remain connected. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being in my life!

I still remember the day you entered my life like it was yesterday. Since that moment, everything has been transformed for me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can’t imagine ever leaving your side.

No matter where our relationship begins or years from now, spending time with you will always be the highlight of my day. I look forward to every moment we share and will never tire of being in each other’s company.

Though distance can be a hurdle, I promise you that we will always stay together no matter what comes our way. I am so thankful for the day you entered my life and for being able to call you mine.

I want you to know how much I adore you. Your beautiful soul, the way you make me happy, and all the things you have done for me have inspired me to believe in unconditional love. I want to spend my life with you and do everything I can to ensure that you are contented.

I consider you the most incredible man I’ve ever known, and it makes me so blessed to have you in my life. Even when things get complicated, please know how much I adore you – that’s true.

With all my heart,
[Your Name]

6) Thank You For You

My Dear [Name],
I am writing this love letter to express my deepest feelings for you. Although you already know how much I adore you, I must reiterate it here. Every day that we spend together is a blessing and I cherish each moment we share.

Your love and affection have made me feel complete in unexpected ways. Your strength has helped me through some difficult times; I am eternally thankful for that. Your eyes make my heart race every time I look into them – you indeed are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so fortunate to have you in my life.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Through the good and bad times, I will always be by your side. No distance could ever dim our love for one another; you were the catalyst that brought about such positive changes in my life. You are such a beautiful soul who never tires of showing me unconditional affection. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of mine.

Every time I remember the start of our relationship, I smile. From that first day together, I knew you were the man for me – you have restored my faith in love and strengthened it beyond measure. Knowing you, I know we will remain together until eternity’s end.

I want to express my gratitude for bringing you into my life. You must have done something right because now it would be impossible for me to imagine living without you in it. Your presence means the world to me, and that means everything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such an extraordinary opportunity in mine.

Sending you lots of hugs and kisses; I can’t wait to see you soon. You are the love of my life, and I cannot wait to spend every day with you. With this letter, I hope this letter reminds you how much I cherish you.

Forever and ever,
[Your Name]

7) You Are A Incredible Blessing

My dear [Name],
It’s hard to believe we’ve been together for [length of time]. It feels like you came into my life only yesterday and transformed everything. I can’t even begin to imagine my life without you – and I hope never to find out.

Every morning, I wake up and thank the universe for bringing you into my life. Your love and presence make me feel complete, and I couldn’t imagine living without you. Know that I adore and appreciate every moment spent with you.

No one in this world makes my heart beat faster, or my soul feel lighter than you do. When I look into your eyes, I see our future together; we can get through anything together. Through the best times and the worst times, we’ll stay strong and conquer any challenge that comes our way.

I still remember the start of our relationship and am amazed at how far we’ve come. You have made me believe in love again, and I can’t imagine life without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you’ve done for me; may we spend the rest of our days making each other happy and telling each other how much we mean to each other.

What an incredible blessing it is to have you as my partner. Your unconditional love has brought me so much joy, and I can’t express how grateful I am that we’ve shared this journey. No matter where life takes me or who comes my way, you will always remain by my side.

I adore you more than anything in this world and want you to know it daily. Whether through short, sweet, or long love letters, I will never stop telling you how much I adore you.

Yours forever and ever,
[Your name]

9) Thinking About You

Dear [Insert Name],
I have been thinking about you constantly and can’t seem to keep my feelings inside any longer. I want you to know how much I adore you and am thankful that you are in my life.

I adore you so profoundly that words cannot express how much I cherish you. Your presence makes my heart skip a beat every time I think of you, and without you, in my life, I could not imagine living. You have become the missing piece that I didn’t even realize was missing until you entered it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of mine.

No matter how far apart we are, I feel closer to you daily. Our love for each other is more vital than any distance can ever measure, and your example has taught me the value of genuine connection and true love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me to believe in true happiness and strong connections despite everything.

Every morning, I feel blessed to have you in my life. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am eternally thankful for every moment we share. From the start of our relationship until now, you have been there for me through thick and thin. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my rock.

Your kindness, devotion, and love for me are truly beyond words; I want to spend the rest of our lives together as one unit. You are indeed the man I have ever known, and I consider myself blessed beyond measure to have you by my side.

I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and will cherish you every day for the rest of our lives. Thank you for being in my life and for being such a beautiful soul.

Forever and ever,
[Insert Your Name]

10) You Are A Precious Treasure

My dear [name],
I don’t even know where to begin. So many words, I want to express how much I care for you, yet sometimes words can’t capture all of my feelings for you.

From the day I met you, my life has never been the same. At a time when I needed someone to lean on and be my rock, you came into my life and provided exactly that – always holding my hand through thick and thin, always there to catch me if ever I stumble. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reinspiring me in love in ways I never imagined possible.

Every day spent with you is a precious treasure, every moment a memory that I will cherish forever. I adore waking up to your radiant face and knowing that you’re by my side. Your presence makes my heart race, my spirits soar, and my soul sing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making each day count.

No matter how far apart we live, I feel your love for me daily. You have taught me that true love knows no bounds or limits; patience, kindness, and endurance are qualities that will always remain in my heart. Thank you for teaching me these lessons of true love.

I am eternally thankful that you entered my life and stayed. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I feel blessed to have you in my life. May we continue exploring together until our days end together – may all of our adventures bring us closer together!

Here I am, telling you how much I adore you. Words cannot express how much I cherish you in my heart, and every morning I will wake up happy knowing that I get to spend another day with the man I adore.

Forever and always,
[Your Name]