Key points
Here are 3 key points about what is a polysexual:
• A polysexual is a person who is sexually, romantically, and
emotionally attracted to some, but not all,
genders. They can be attracted to more
Introduction to Polysexuality

Someone who is broad in their attraction to multiple genders is polysexual person. When someone identifies as poly, it means they are attracted to many gender orientations rather than just one. A polysexual person is someone who has an emotional or sexual attraction to people of multiple genders, but not all genders.
Polysexuals may be attracted to multiple genders. But polysexuality differs in that gender plays a bigger role in determining who a polysexual person is into. A bisexual does not consider gender important to their attraction, whereas a polysexual holds gender as a significant aspect of their sexuality.
Definition and Etymology of Polysexuality
The bisexual community first used the word polysexual back in the earlier 1990s. Poly comes from the Greek root word meaning many. Some people didn’t want the term “bisexual” as that implies they are attracted to just two genders. So polysexual identity came into being. “Polysexual” indicates that gender plays a vital role in these people’s sexual orientation.
Distinction Between Polysexuality and Other Sexual Orientations
Big deal right? Not really but polysexuals look at gender when they attracted to somebody. But they can be attracted to anyone. The affinity for gender is what makes demi-pansexuality different from pansexuality. It will not matter what gender the person they are attracted to is. A polysexual person recognizes gender as key to their sexuality, whereas a pansexual person does not.
Historical Context and Evolution of the Term
The term “polysexual” became noticeable in the ’90s, but it only started to be recognized and used because our ideas about gender kept expanding. Polysexuality refers to a person with the capacity to attract more than one gender. Also, a polysexual person is not attracted to any gender like pansexuals do. The development of terms used to describe gender helps improve the usage of polysexual in helping them communicate their attraction to the opposite gender.
Comparative Analysis with Bisexuality and Pansexuality

Bisexuality refers to when a person (especially a girl or woman) who is sexually attracted to both men and women. A pansexual person is attracted to all genders. Polysexuality has some common features with both. Unlike bisexuality, polysexuality means attraction to many genders. But just like being Pansexual gender plays a role in being polysexual. Polysexuality is the orientation which lies between bi and pan.
Intersectionality and Identity Politics
Polysexuality connects to gender, romantic orientation, race, class, and other identity axes. People who are polysexual have a different kind of experiences. People also think polysexuality doesn’t exist.
The Role of Polysexuality in LGBTQ+ Movements

Polysexuality allows people who feel they are between two or more genders, or outside the known binary, to fit in. Polysexuality is becoming more public and creating conversations about complicated attraction. Advocating for being polysexual is helping to relate to the whole LGBTQ community and their matters. Polysexuality helps expand the diversity in sex and gender.
Polysexual Identity in Practice

People who’re polysexual usually say it feels fluid. People might like more than one gender but not all genders. Polysexuality refers more to a person than to their body parts. It’s all about the vibes, not the labels. Connections matter most.
Experiences and Narratives of Polysexual Individuals
Lots of polysexuals have their own stories. People have always felt this way while others grew into it. Self-discovery takes time. People’s judgment can be painful but shared experiences help. Polysexual spaces let a person to engage and it’s nice to hear you aren’t alone
Challenges and Misconceptions
Polysexuality is often misunderstood. Most think that polyamorous people are just players. However it is a legit identity, Polyamorous people don’t have confusion nor are they “going through a phase.” They know who they are and what they want. Despite that fact, the discrimination the face is real. However, support is given by the community.
Community and Support Networks
There are online communities informing polysexual members of stories, affirmations and resources. Events that celebrate pride and are focused on polymeetups are starting to become more common. Being visible and being accepted is growing. However, we still need more openness and education.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are some positive representations of polysexuality in media?
There are a few positive representations of polysexuality in TV shows like Steven Universe, which shows the character Stevonnie experiencing attraction regardless of gender. The comic series Saga also depicts a polysexual character named Gwendolyn. Increased positive representation helps normalize polysexuality.
How does polysexuality relate to the split attraction model?
The split attraction model separates romantic and sexual attraction. Polysexuality specifically refers to sexual attraction to multiple genders, so a polysexual person could be polyromantic or monoromantic.
What misconceptions about polysexuality should be avoided?
Some common misconceptions are that polysexuality is the same as polyamory or promiscuity. Polyamory involves consensual non-monogamy while polysexuality is an orientation. Polysexuals are not more promiscuous.
What does the polysexual pride flag symbolize?
The polysexual pride flag consists of three stripes – pink, blue, and green. The pink represents attraction to women, blue for attraction to men, and green for non-binary attraction.
How can I support a partner who identifies as polysexual?
You can support a polysexual partner by understanding that their attraction isn’t dependent on gender. Avoid making assumptions and communicate openly about their needs and your boundaries.
Is polysexuality considered part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
Yes, polysexuality is included under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella since polysexuals challenge heteronormativity and the gender binary. Polysexuality falls under the multisexual identities.
What is the difference between polysexual and pansexual?
Polysexuals may have preferences among genders while pansexuals experience attraction regardless of gender. However, there is overlap between the two identities.
How do I know if I'm polysexual?
If you experience sexual attraction to multiple genders, but not necessarily all genders, you may identify as polysexual. Focus internally on who you’re attracted to vs trying to fit a label.
Can polysexual orientation change or fluctuate?
Polysexual orientation can be fluid for some people. Sexuality can change over time or fluctuate depending on the person. There is no right or wrong way to experience polysexuality.
What does polysensual mean in relation to polysexuality?
Polysensual refers to someone who experiences sensual but not necessarily sexual attraction to multiple genders. It falls under the polysexual umbrella.

I’m Kary Walters, a wedding planner and writer with a passion for helping couples stay together and achieve their relationship goals. With over a decade of experience, I specialize in self-improvement and have worked with individuals & couples facing challenges.