The key on how to attract men effectivly


Key points

Here are 3 key points on how to attract men:

– Show genuine interest in him as a person. Ask questions about his hobbies, passions, goals. Really listen when he shares. Guys crave being heard and understood.

– Let your playful, feminine energy shine. Smile, laugh, be lighthearted. Stay present and positive when you’re together. Men are drawn to happy, upbeat women.

– Focus on developing mutual intimacy. Open up, be vulnerable. Bond through deep conversation. Build trust by being reliable and consistent. A close emotional connection keeps a man captivated.

Introduction to Attraction

Attraction is complicated. The magnetic attraction one person has to another can surely be felt. Looking fit and healthy can make a person extremely attractive. But the foundation of attraction lies in self-respect. When we love ourselves we give off compatible energy that attracts others. When a person has self-respect , they radiate energy which attracts other people. True attraction stems from within.

The concept of attraction comes from self-respect

The main message of the book “Why Men Love Bitches” is having self-respect attracts men. The term “bitches” refers to women who stand up for themselves and do not lower their standards, rather than mean women.

The book argues being too nice and accommodating is a turn off for men. However, having boundaries and expectations earns men’s respect and attracts them. The more you demand for your needs to be met, the more men will be attracted to you. It appears contradictory, yet the book reveals how this fact.

Definition of ‘bitch’ as a confident and independent woman

A bitch is nothing more than a strong, confident and independent woman according to this book. She doesn’t play games or pretend to be someone she’s not. A bitch tells it like it is, gets what she wants, and won’t settle for hassle-free mediocrity.

She commands respect through having self-respect. A bitch loves herself; thus, she attracts men who love her too. So, “bitch” is not just an insult. The goal of the book is to reclaim it for that fearless woman who just doesn’t care.

The Importance of Self-Respect

Self-respect is super important for attracting men. When you have self-respect, you conduct yourself with dignity and avoid putting up with any nonsense. You know your worth. This self-assurance is magnetic to men. Men want a woman who has standards and won’t let them get away with stuff.

Self-respect as the foundation of attraction

Having self-respect shows men you value yourself. If you don’t respect yourself, men won’t show you any. But if you carry yourself confidently and assuredly, it’s really attractive. Men want a woman who demands respect because it usually means she won’t settle for less than she deserves. Self-respect is the basis for true confidence.

The psychological impact of self-assurance on men

A woman full of herself plays with men’s mind in the best way. Her confidence makes them want to pursue her. Because not being too available builds attraction, men love the chase. Moreover, her self-assuredness leads men to question themselves and wonder if they’re right for her. This puts the woman in the power position.

Studies show self-esteem affects relationship dynamics

Women who have higher self-esteem enjoy better relationship outcomes, studies show. A study conducted by Sandra L. Murray titled “Self-esteem and romantic relationship quality“, women with good self-esteem enjoy more positive relationship outcomes. Studies show partners with low self-esteem will control and express jealousy more than others. So having self-respect leads to healthier relationships.

Setting Boundaries

Having healthy boundaries in a new relationship is important for mutual trust and respect. Boundaries tell people how to treat you and what behavior will not be tolerated. Ensuring we know what we want and what we don’t.

How boundaries create intrigue and respect

When you set boundaries early on, you show that you hold yourself in high esteem and won’t settle. It creates curiosity as your partner gets to know that you aren’t needy. Having boundaries develops respect as your partner learns limits and understands standards. This prevents them from taking you for granted.

Examples of healthy boundaries in relationships

Boundaries can be healthy when you clearly state when you are available or not, if they want to be intimate with you they require your consent and you do not allow any kind of criticism, lying, or abuse.

You are free to determine when, where, and how you communicate, who pays for what, what you do on social media, etc. The key to finding the right boundary is communicating what you need to feel safe and valued.

Maintaining Independence

While a strong romantic relationship is important, so is the independence of both partners in a relationship. Women who don’t make their partner their entire world tend to be more attractive to men.

The role of independence in maintaining attraction

The studies show that women who have their own lives will appear more attractive to men as compared to those who are clingy. Having close ties, personal passions, career aspirations, and interests outside of the relationship enhances the excitement and prevents excess dependency. Men find women who are confident and self-sufficient attractive and it helps to combat boredom.

Research on autonomy and relationship satisfaction

According to research, women who maintain autonomy after marriage are more satisfied. As stated by an analysis done by a psychology teacher Bella DePaulo, autonomy and friendships outside the relationship were predictors of happy relationships in case of both men and women according to a study she published called “Singles in society and science” by Bella DePaulo and Wendy L. Morris.

Also, researcher Sandra Murray published a study called “Becoming Irreplaceable: How Comparisons to the Partner’s Alternatives Differentially Affect Low and High Self-Esteem People” where she states that individuals often assume their partner views them as they see themselves, which can impact feelings of acceptance and trust within the relationship.

So, it is important that you explore your own interests even while you deepen the relationship that you have. Through communication, both autonomy and intimacy are possible.

Confidence and Its Impact

Confidence is super important for attracting men. A confident woman is far more attractive than one lacking confidence. Women who have self-confidence show men they are secure and at ease in themselves. This self-assurance is magnetic to guys.

How confidence enhances desirability

When women are confident, not overconfident, it shows that they don’t rely on others and that is extremely attractive. A confident woman doesn’t need a man to feel good about herself. This independence is mad attractive to dudes. When a woman acts like a man’s opinion doesn’t matter to her, it instantly makes her more alluring.

Strategies to build and project confidence

There’s lots of ways for women to get more confident. Hitting the gym really helps because when you feel strong, you’re confident. When you focus on your talent and what you can do, you feel good about yourself. By standing up straight, making eye contact, and speaking clearly, you can appear confident to others. Fake it til you make it, ladies!

Studies linking confidence with perceived attractiveness.

People who are confident are seen as more attractive. A 2018 study by Beth Anderson titled “Individual differences and romantic compatibility: the relationship between personality traits, eligibility and ideal partner preference” examined the connection between personality and ideal partner preference.

According to the research, people tend to look for traits in partners that complement their own. Confidence is one such trait that can be desirable.

Another study conducted by Mafra et al. (2022) titled “The contrasting effects of body image and self-esteem in the makeup usage” analyzed self-esteem, body image and makeup use of Brazilian females. Women with high social self-esteem, which is associated with confidence, tend to invest in their looks to enhance their attractiveness, as per the findings. This means that confidence is associated with appearance-enhancing behaviors. Well, scientists proved that pretending to be confident definitely helps you be more attractive.

The Power of Mystery

Men are attracted to a woman because they like solving a mystery and trying to figure her out. Research indicates that the reward centers of the brain get activated by curiosity, making mystery rewarding. Men like it when a woman is mysterious, as they find the chase fun in figuring her out.

Why mystery is appealing to men

Mystery appeals to men because they find it challenging. It gives men a sense of confidence and fulfillment to try and fathom a mystery. This also means there is something to discover beneath the surface, appealing to men’s wish for complexity. Furthermore, it shows that the woman has her own life apart from the relationship, which is appealing to men.

Techniques to maintain an air of mystery

Don’t reveal everything about yourself right away. At the beginning, keep some opinions, interests, and experiences to yourself. When you answer questions and give your opinions, give answers that hint at other opinions and experiences that you have but don’t reveal everything you think.

Cultivate hobbies and friendships outside the relationship. Sometimes be off the radar and have plans that don’t include your man! When you do this, he will also be curious about you.

Cognitive studies on curiosity and attraction.

Research by Kang et al., titled “The Wick in the Candle of Learning: Epistemic Curiosity Activates Reward Circuitry and Enhances Memory” shows curiosity switches on the same feel-good parts of the brain as food and sex.

According to the curiosity gap theory, people get most curious when there is an optimal gap between what they know and don’t know (Loewenstein, 1994). Experts suggest that partners will stay interested in anyone as long as there is a right balance of certainty and uncertainty.


Kang, M. J., Hsu, M., Krajbich, I. M., Loewenstein, G., McClure, S. M., Wang, J. T., & Camerer, C. F. (2009). The wick in the candle of learning: Epistemic curiosity activates reward circuitry and enhances memory. Psychological Science, 20(8), 963-973.

Loewenstein, G. (1994). The psychology of curiosity: A review and reinterpretation. Psychological Bulletin, 116(1), 75-98.

Walster, E., Walster, G. W., & Berscheid, E. (1978). Equity: Theory and research. Allyn & Bacon.

Communicating Effectively

Direct communication is an important way to attract and build relationships. Here are a few suggestions to help you communicate with men.

The Role of Clear Communication in Attraction

Being clear about your wants and needs, men find attractive. It shows you’re confident and know what you want. Ambiguity can kill attraction. Say what you mean without playing games.

Tips for Assertive Communication in Dating

Don’t hesitate to take the initiative to ask your partner what you want. Speak calmly and maintain eye contact. If you disagree, say so respectfully. Listen actively and be open-minded. Avoid passive-aggressive behavior.

If you’d like to impress a man, communicate with confidence, honesty and respect. It allows each other to understand very well to set a strong base.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you spark that initial nerdy attraction from a man?

Lead with your brainy side by bringing up intellectual topics you’re passionate about. Guys dig girls who can challenge them mentally and seem mysterious.

What physical traits do men find most attractive in women?

Studies show men prioritize a woman’s face, smell, and personality above her body. A friendly smile and warm demeanor matter more than a perfect figure.

How can you boost your attractiveness in a guy's eyes?

Focus on projecting self-confidence through your body language and energy. Avoid defensiveness and make an effort to be accepting and open-minded.

What is the #1 thing that attracts men to a woman?

Research reveals a woman’s sense of humor and ability to make a man laugh is the strongest attraction trigger across the board.

How can you get a man to chase you?

Maintain an air of mystery about yourself and don’t be too available. Make him work a bit for your time and attention to increase his desire.

What makes a woman stand out to a man?

Men appreciate authenticity, intelligence, friendliness, and femininity. Being comfortable in your own skin is more attractive than trying too hard to impress.

How do you keep a man's interest and attraction?

Focus on compatibility factors like shared values, chemistry, and communication style rather than just physical looks and attraction.

What makes a woman irresistible to men?

Confidence, playfulness, listening skills, and openness to intimacy make a woman completely irresistible.

How can you tell if a man finds you attractive?

Look for signs like frequent eye contact, smiling, facing you with an open body posture, and finding subtle ways to touch you.

What vibe attracts quality men?

Having self-respect, healthy boundaries, independence, and a warm, feminine energy attracts healthy, relationship-minded men.